A New Chapter

Picture of Teressa at The Art Hotel

I’m excited to announce that PopCykol has been accepted to participate in EForAll’s 2024 Business Accelerator Program. It’s an immersive business training, mentorship, and networking program that will help guide me (and my team) with various aspects of business incorporation, finances and taxes, legal, and marketing. I went through an application process and a pitch interview and was selected. I’m honored and I can’t wait to learn through this program and meet mentors who can help me achieve future success.

Success, to me, means reaching the people who need it the most. In some ways, we’ve branded ourselves as a cybersecurity awareness company for kids, but the truth is that everyone needs it. I’ve shared online safety to kids to 90 year old people. We all have something to learn about internet safety, cyber hygiene, protecting our identity and data.

Why does PopCykol need this program? We want to clarify how we provide solutions to problems.

What is the problem? The current gap I see in cybersecurity awareness and education for children is consistency and engaging content. Several government agencies and some private company websites have content that is similar. The same tips are available over multiple sites. There are short blogs or articles addressing cybersecurity awareness. However, it’s something that you read once, and the action or takeaway may be quickly implemented and then forgotten.

Awareness is something that must be done consistently any time a child accesses the internet. Just like when you’re crossing the street with a child, you remind them every single time to stop and look both ways before proceeding, that is what we have to do with children online to keep them cyber safe and cyber smart. Our kids are precious. Our kids are curious. And some of our kids can be smarter than us when it comes to being tech savvy.

How will PopCykol close the gap? PopCykol will close the gap by bridging engaging, entertaining content with informative, age-appropriate cybersecurity awareness and education. PopCykol will incorporate the award-winning art and children’s music of Teressa G & The Monkeys with the Dark Shiny Unicorn cyber blog. I discuss the importance and the influence of anthropology and human behavior in relation to cybersecurity in my blogs and videos. Uniting these two entities will create smart, well-branded content distributed by PopCykol. With 10 years of cybersecurity under my belt, I am here to share my experience and expertise with the next generation, but also with parents and grandparents to help reinforce those lessons.


Growing PopCykol


New York, New York