PopCykol Tip
To Bully or Not to Bully.
Cyberbullying is like regular bullying but done on a computer and online. Bullying is making fun of someone because you don’t like what a person looks like, what they say or do.
What is Cyberbullying?
When you use unkind words, you hurt other people and when you use a computer to post mean words, messages, emails, and texts, they never go away, even if you delete them.
Why is Cyberbullying bad?
Cyberbullying can occur at any time, like at school while learning; on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat and more. It can happen on message boards/forums, like Reddit, Slack, and Discord.
Where does Cyberbullying occur?
Instead of getting mad at someone, let’s calm down. Take a long, slow breath. Do that before you write something because once we say something mean online, we can’t take it back. Even if we delete the message or text, there’s ALWAYS a record of it somewhere. Mean messages never go away.
How can we be kind online?
What happens to the person who is cyberbullied?
Their feelings get hurt, the person can be injured, or worse, they could die. When you use unkind words, what you really do is put the meanness inside of yourself.
Who can you trust to tell if you or someone you know
Try telling a parent, teacher, principal, or a coach. A grownup you trust should help you.
Mean messages never go away even if you delete them. You can get in trouble with your parent(s) school, or something more serious, like with the police. Stop and take a moment to calm down before you say something you can’t take back, and you get in trouble.