The Future of PopCykol


Person wearing VR headset

JUNE 8, 2021

It’s been exhilarating to share PopCykol with my cyber security community. I was recently interviewed on the cyber podcast, Colorado = Security and Cyber Pro Podcast this month. I also spoke on my first cyber security panel on May 25. You can listen to the replay at this link.

I shared the importance of language and communication from an anthropological perspective on cyber security. We can barely define cyber security, let alone decide if it’s “cyber security” or “cybersecurity”. Either way, how we share information is important to how we secure information, reduce the risk of our networks, and of our data, as we’ve seen recently with the Solar Winds hack and many others.

We know that human decision making and behaviour are the weakness in the majority of data breaches, whether it is by accident and unwitting behaviour or intentional and nefarious misdeed by insider threat. That’s why we need to train them young, like 4 years old young, and teach them how to behave and do the ‘right’ thing online.

Recent examples:

Although, my hope was to have all five scripts created into videos by August, the more time I spend researching, I see the most critical need being an understanding of password protection and password strength.

I’m creating a curriculum based on passwords, that will be simple for kids to understand and easy enough for parents to implement. Be on the watch for more information about the Password Strength course. In addition, please continue to share PopCykol with your friends, family, network, and community. Thank you!


Teaching Cyber Security


Growing PopCykol