Metaquette in the Metaverse


What is Metaquette? Metaquette is having good manners and behaviour online while in the Metaverse. Consider the Golden Rule and to treat others like you would want to be treated, but online. 

What is the Metaverse? The Metaverse is a shared virtual, 3D space in which a real person can interact with other people, known as avatars, objects, and environments in a virtual reality.  

Why is Metaquette important? Metaquette is important because you want people to perceive your behaviour as kind and acceptable, especially in the Metaverse. What you say and do can positively or negatively affect others. This new environment has fewer rules, and you should start in a positive, respectful mental and emotional space when interacting with other avatars. We are “Building Kindness in the MetaVerse”. 

When do you use Metaquette? Use Metaquette any time you’re online and interacting with others. Metaquette is for all ages within the Metaverse, whether it is at a virtual concert, virtual shopping, building teams and collaborating, hanging with friends, or exploring the space. 

How should you act while in the Metaverse?

  1. Always be kind to one another

  2. When you enter a virtual space or meeting, greet people.

  3. Remember once you write it and share it with others, you can’t undo it.

  4. Your reputation may precede you if you’re behaviour is unkind, rude, or disrespectful.

  5. Know when to mute and unmute your microphone. 

Familiarize yourself with the Metaverse. Ask a parent/caregiver about what they would do if they were in a virtual space. Reach out to PopCykol for more information or help. Watch the matching video here.


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